Our shiny brand new website is now online! Its been a bit of work but we hope you like it and more importantly use it. It is a magazine/blog style and we think it looks fab!
A few new things for you all:
- New discussion forum: our very own place were we can have discussions online about LSOD. If you click on ‘Forums’ up top it will ask you to register and you can start posting away. You can post about anything!
- Email Newsletters: All newsletters will be sent straight to your inbox. We do need you to sign up for this. You can do this using the wee envelope icon at the top right. We will also have more info on this soon on facebook to make it even easier.
- Dancewear shop: its new, its shiny and it works great. We hope you like the improvements. Im sure youll agree its much better than our last one.
- More regular updates: we are looking to keep you all much more informed about whats going on with our dancing school
With all this in place we do also expect a few wee bugs. if you are using the site and something goes wrong it would be great if you could let us know about it so we can fix it!
If you have an issue please sent it to info@lschoolofdance.co.uk or mail@mmcphotos.co.uk